Mr Paulo Pinho's Article in Health and Fitness

639 Know the Factors That Affect the Dental Implant Costs
Dental implants are more expensive than dentures, but this is because they require dental surgery which helps them to connect themselves to your jawbone. This provides a permanent structure offering enhanced protection over dentures.
Posted on Sep-15-2020

682 Are Dental Implants Right For You?
No matter if you have lost your teeth due to a trauma or dental disease, it’s going to negatively impact you in many ways both your overall and dental health. That’s why it is essential to replace your missing teeth as soon as you have lost your teeth
Posted on Jul-15-2020

743 How Can Dental Implants Dramatically Change Your Life?
Despite significant improvements in dental care, many Aussies are still struggling with some serious dental problems like missing teeth. Missing teeth can reduce the quality of life more than you imagine.
Posted on Jul-09-2020

705 What Are The Positive Aspects Of Dental Implants?
If you have lost a tooth or a set of teeth, don’t worry. You can restore your smile back. There are a various options available to bring back your smile, and repair your smile.
Posted on May-22-2020

840 How can you benefit from investing in Dental Implants?
Getting dental implants to replace a missing tooth can be a smart choice for people of all ages.
Posted on Apr-21-2020

668 How long will my Dental Implant to last?
Are you suffering from a missed tooth? Dental implants are here for your rescue.
Posted on Apr-13-2020

708 Digital Dental Implants to enjoy the beauty of a Healthy Smile
Dental implants are in use for the past few decades. They are popular all around the world as implants are the best teeth replacement solution known. And with the new digital implant procedure, they are even better.
Posted on Mar-02-2020

925 An Overview of Digital Dental Implants
Gone are the days when dentures were the only option to replace a missing tooth. Yes, today, we have several options to replace missing teeth. Dentistry has evolved a lot in the past years. One of the most amazing inventions in the dentistry is dental implants.
Posted on Jan-30-2020

754 How Dental Implants Improve the Quality of Your Life
A missing tooth not only affects your appearance but also decrease the quality of your life. If you are missing one or more teeth, you need to get it replaced as early as possible. There are various options to replace your missing teeth. However, one choice that stands out of the rest is the dental implants in Sydney.
Posted on Jan-29-2020

676 All on 4 Dental Implants - Here is everything you should know about it
With the advancements in dental Technologies, losing most of your teeth on the upper or lower jaw or losing all of your teeth is not a serious concern anymore.
Posted on Jan-13-2020

583 Replace Your Missing Teeth with Dental Implants
If you have recently lost your teeth due to a dental disease or trauma, don’t worry. There are several options to replace your missing teeth and restore your smile. You are not the one who has lost their teeth. If you have knocked out your teeth, you are not alone.
Posted on Dec-05-2019

582 Why Should You Replace a Missing Tooth?
Even a single missing tooth can affect your appearance and confidence. People wish to have bright smile. But, not many are lucky to get the perfect smile as they may have lost their tooth. The missing tooth can affect your smile and cause depression.
Posted on Dec-03-2019

819 Questions to know Answers for before getting Dental Implants
A missing tooth, not only makes you feel uncomfortable but can also make you lose your confidence.
Posted on Oct-31-2019

742 Why Dental Implants Are Popular Than Dentures?
Anyone who has replaced their missing teeth with dentures would tell how difficult and uncomfortable it is to wear them. Although it is one of the cost-effective methods for replacing a missing tooth, removable dentures tend to loosen and shift over time that causes discomfort while eating and speaking.
Posted on Oct-30-2019

621 Tips to make your Implants Last Longer
Dental implants, although it might seem new, they have been in use for over five decades.
Posted on Oct-25-2019

663 Can I Replace a Missing Tooth on The Same Day?
If you have lost a tooth due to trauma, you can get it replaced with same day dental implants. As long as your teeth and gums are healthy, same day dental implant is possible.
Posted on Oct-11-2019

629 Common Questions To Ask Your Dentist Before Dental Implants Treatment
If you are missing teeth due to decay, any accident or facial trauma, you may very well benefit from cheap dental implants in Sydney.
Posted on Sep-06-2019

590 Few Common Dental Implants Myths
Dental implants allow you to keep a beautiful smile and eat foods that you may not be able to have without healthy teeth.
Posted on Sep-06-2019

592 Why Should You Replace Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants?
There is no point in worrying about your lost teeth. Yes, it’s gone. All you have to do is to find the right solution to replace your missing teeth. A missing tooth affects not only your appearance and smile but also your oral health. You can’t chew the food properly which leads to digestion issues, especially for older adults. If you do not have a balanced diet, it will affect your overall health as well.
Posted on Aug-07-2019

862 Know the Importance of Replacing a Missing Tooth
It may sound superficial for someone who has all their teeth, but even a single missing tooth can take an emotional toll on us.
Posted on Jun-26-2019

908 Five Myths About Dental Implants you Shouldn’t Believe
So you wish to replace your missing teeth with dental implants but wondering if they are the right choice for you. Dental implants are a permanent solution for tooth loss.
Posted on May-09-2019

674 Is It Possible to Replace a Missing Tooth On The Same Day?
If you have suddenly lost a tooth due to trauma, there are chances that you can get it replaced by obtaining immediate same day dental implants.
Posted on Apr-24-2019

603 Dental Implants or Dentures What's Best for Me
If all or most of your teeth suffer from gum disease, decay or damage, you might be worrying about how to go further.
Posted on Apr-08-2019

750 Tips to get the most from Your Dental Implants!
'Dental implants' this word has become very familiar nowadays. Whether you have missed your tooth due to infection, tooth decay a or an accident, dental implants come as lifesavers to offer state of the art solution which not only looks but also feels exactly like your natural teeth.
Posted on Mar-25-2019

636 Different Teeth Replacement Options and Why Dental Implants are the Best!
Missing a tooth is nothing to feel easy. The pain of losing a tooth can never be understood unless you have felt one for yourself. However, living with the gap in the mouth has become an option. There are so many teeth replacement choices available for the ones who lost their teeth and confidence.
Posted on Feb-05-2019